He has made over $20,000 as a sales expert and he wants to show you…
How Any Small Business Owner Can Follow The Simple Steps Inside This
To Create A Booming Online Business, 3X Current Profit, And Build A Loyal “Fan Base” Of Repeat Buyers.
  • Even if you are currently struggling to make profit from what you sell…

  • Even if you’ve tried many businesses before and failed…

  • And even if you are affected by the current inflation in the country.



Dear small business owner,

If you would like the rare ability to increase the sales of your products “on demand”…

Build a loyal fan base of people who are eager to buy from you again and again…

Which will help you to build a business that brings in money behind your back…

Then I can show you how to do it by following the simple steps inside sales booster.

But First, Who Am I And Why Should You Listen To Me?
Hi there,

My name is Umar Kabeer Adam, popularly known as Malam Kaybee.

I’m a sales expert who has generated roughly $20,000 in sales.

I’m also the Affiliate Manager of the #1 Digital platform in Arewa – SellsRocket.

And here's what Sani Zakari, the CEO of Sellsrocket has to say about me:
Abdulkarim Isyaku, the course creater of HAMAP course also has this to say:

But it wasn’t always like this for me.

I’ve heard my fair share of struggles when it comes to starting and growing a business.

You see,

I’ve never been a fan of working for the government because of the situation of the country.

And 3 years ago…

I was broke as hell, barely able to survive as an undergraduate and desperately in need of money.

So, even before finishing school, I decided to start a small business of my own.

Something that could bring me profit “on demand”…

Something that will help me take good care of myself and my loved ones…

And something that will make me (eventually) become my own boss.

Which is what you want too, right?

Yet, I had a lot of challenges and doubts like:

  • How much capital do I need to start a small business?
  • How can I source these funds? (I’ll be showing you exactly how I did this below)
  • Which product should I sell/ Which product will Nigerians buy like crazy?
  • How can I get and keep customers that will keep buying from me over and again?
  • And a lot more.

In the process…

I discovered that a lot of small business owners like me had similar challenges too.

They had the best product in the market… but they struggled to sell it.

They could not make customers who patronize them to keep coming for more.

They find it hard to maintain this business within the first few months and they end up quitting.

Do you face this too?

Well, this was what led me on a mission to find a lasting solution to all these problems.

That’s how I eventually discovered the lucrative skill of “digital sales and marketing.

This skill changed my life completely.

It got me more customers that were eager to buy from me…

It positioned me as an authority in my niche…

Then it helped me build a successful online business that made me money “on demand.”

But there were still other problems…

You Know About The Current Inflation In The Country, Right?

It’s affecting a lot of small businesses in the country and many of them are going bankrupt.

But that shouldn’t be you.

The truth about inflation is that it never really stops.

Think about it,

Since you were born, have you ever heard that the cost of living is coming down?

While the standard of living for everyone increases?

At the same time?

I don’t think so.

Inflation has always been the language of the world when it comes to making money & economics.

And quite frankly,

If you are waiting for a time when the prices of things will become stable as a small business owner…

You may wait until the grave.

This is not some prediction of doom,

It’s what you’ll find in every news outlet out there:

Especially in Nigeria.

The reality is that…

The naira devaluation will keep affecting everything around you.

From the price increase of gadgets you need to buy,

Down to common food stuff you need from the market.

And other daily expenses you need to sort out.

As a small business owner, all these things can affect your business and I totally understand.

So, what’s the way out?

The obvious solution is to find proven ways to…


Increase the number of people that buy what you sell, every single day.

That’s the only way to survive.

And that’s exactly what “sales booster” is all about.

I have used the strategies in sales booster to build systems that allowed me to make more sales than ever…

…by establishing my presence in the digital world – social media.

In fact,

I vividly remember when I put out some products for sale on my WhatsApp and Twitter page.


And in less than 2 hours, every single item was sold out

And I’ve done this with various other products too.


If I need to make more money ‘on demand’… I can just put out a product on sale... And because I’ve earned the trust of my audience, they will buy.

When you have these systems in place,
you have an asset.

And there is literally NO limit to how valuable you can make it.

Believe it or not, when it comes to selling things online (or offline)…

One of the secrets I’ve learnt is that…

It’s NOT the BEST product in the market that sells

Hear me out;

You may have more than one person selling the same product…

But “seller A” makes more sales (and more money) than “seller B.”


It’s because he has a better marketing strategy.

And not just any “random marketing tip” you see on social media.

These strategies work based on the kind of business you do.

And I discovered this the hard way through costly trials and errors.

Looking back,

I don’t want any small business owner, who’s just starting out like me, to go through what I went through.

I don’t want you to feel frustrated when you stock up on new products and you can’t sell them.

I don’t want you to feel overwhelmed because you need to be chasing customers before they buy.

And I definitely don’t want you to suffer in this time of inflation in the country.

This is why…

It took me hours of painstaking research…

To go through all what I learnt from digital sales and marketing…

Pick out those strategies that are relevant to small business owners…

The exact ones I used to grow my small business until it became successful…

And package them into a brand new course called…

Digital Entrepreneurship Sales Booster (DESB)
The Game Changer To Boosting Online Physical Business To Make Massive Increase In Visibility And Sales.

So, if you’re are into:

  • Catering
  • Fashion Designing
  • Cosmetic business
  • Beads making
  • Selling Turaren wuta
  • Selling Skin care products
  • Chefs
  • Selling Shoes, Bags, Clothes, etc
  • or any other small business…

This course is designed just for you.

But don’t take my word for it.

Hear directly from a few business owners who were lucky enough to have access to it:

“I highly recommend the course to ANYONE…”

Mal Kaybee is good at what he does”

“I was skeptical, I was afraid that I might be scammed BUT…”

“…I haven’t completed the course yet but I already feel ahead…”

Look, I made this course to be as practical as possible.

So after each module, there is an exercise waiting for you at the end.

This will help you keep track of your progress and make it easy for you to get the best possible results from the course.

What's Inside? REVEALED:
Module 1:
Your Mindset As A Small Business Owner.

When it comes to selling products online…


You really can’t do well without the right mindset.


It’s the secret of all successful entrepreneurs you see out there.

That’s why this session is the first part of the program.

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • What the winner’s mindset is and why you need it to grow your business online.
  • If you can leverage this “imaginary gun”, then it will be very difficult for you to stay out of business.
  • How not to be among the 50% of small businesses that fail in their first year.
  • And lots more


Module 2:
Factor Stopping You From Achieving Your BIG Business Goals.

Many small business owners have big goals when they start a business.

They want to become their own boss…

They want to take good care of themselves and loved ones…

And they don’t want their destiny to be in the hands of the government.

But, sadly, when they get into any small business of their choice…

They begin to lose focus and they find it hard to achieve their goals.

If you’ve been there before, then I get it.

You not alone:

This is why I took my time to discuss all the factors that are stopping you from achieving your goals.

You’ll learn about:

  • The 4 Major obstacles stopping you from achieving your goals and how to bypass them easily.
  • What to do if you are in doubt about achieving your goals no matter how big they are.
  • How to succeed in any small business no matter how impossible it looks to you.
  • And lots more…
Module 3:
A Fool-Proof Way Of Planning Your Way To Riches In Business.

It’s easy to set big business goals that you want to achieve…

Especially during new years and the 1st day of every month.

But with time, things begin to fall apart.

And before you know it, time has gone by without you achieving even 50% of those big goals.

Who’s to be blamed?

Poor planning strategy!

Setting a goal is easy, working towards achieving it is where the problem lies.

But that won’t be the case when you go through this module from beginning to end.

Here you’ll learn:

  • Why 90% of small business owners fail to achieve their business goals and how not to be among them.
  • A simple tweak to your morning routine that will set you up for success for the rest of the day.
  • And lots more.
Module 4:
Deadly Mistakes Small Business Owners Make When Selling Online.

You’re probably making one of these mistakes right now.

Each of them are so costly that it can stop up to 50% of the profits you could be making.

And you don’t need to learn them the hard way.

I talked about each of them in this module and how to completely avoid them.

Module 5:
How To Build A Social Media Brand.

I’ve been able to do this successfully on Twitter with over 30,000+ followers.

And in this session…

I’ll be showing everything I know about building your brand and getting followers who are eager to buy from you.

You’ll discover:

  • How to set up your profile on facebook.
  • What to post on your timeline to make potential customers follow you and eventually buy from you.
  • The place of short, reels and status when it comes to business on social media.
  • How to generate customers using Whatsapp, Facebook, Tik-Tok and Twitter.
  • How to generate leads from social media by using influencers.
  • Should you use the normal WhatsApp or WhatsApp Business to run your small business on WhatsApp?

My answer may SHOCK you.

  • And a whole lot more.
Module 6:
How To Create Compelling Content.


You’ll be trying to establish an online presence to reach more people and make more sales right?

As such, it makes sense to know how to come up with content that will capture the attention of the right person.

And that is what I explained in this module.

You’ll have access to:

  • Dozens of resources you can use to create content for your business in any niche.
  • Proven headlines that almost forces people to read what you have to say.
  • If you don’t know how to write or where to start from, you’ll get a list of examples you can model easily.
  • And lots more.
Module 7:
How To Craft Irresistible Offers.

Offers are the needle movers when it comes to selling anything, both online or offline.

You see, there’s a very good chance that many other business owners are selling what you sell.

How do you stand out from them?

By creating a superior and irresistible offer around your product.

It’s not just by adding random bonuses.

Or using money back guarantee for everything you sell.


Your offer largely depends on the kind of product you sell.

And I show you exactly how to come up with irresistible offers in this module.

And how it has been bringing in crazy results for me:

Module 8:
How To Win The Hearts Of Customers And Keep Them For Life.

When customers tell you they can’t afford what you sell…

Or they will think about the price and get back to you…

Should you agree and allow them to go or there are some proven ways to win them over?

My answer may SURPRISE you.

And I broke it down in detail here.

I also talked about:

  • The “6 Golden Laws” to obey when interacting with any customer, every day.
  • Positive signs to look out for to know if a customer is going to buy… or they are just there to waste your time.
  • What to do to make every customer that buys from you to keep coming back for me (this is almost unethical, but it’s legally OK)
  • And lots more.

Everything you’re getting in this course is designed to make you go from…

Not making sales and struggling to retain customers…

To making money on demand, building a fan base of customers who are eager to buy from you…

And building a strong online presence while at it.

Now, the question is…


How Much Is The Digital Entrepreneurship Sales Booster (DESB)?

You see,

With everything I put together and how much I have been able to make over the last 12 months as a sales expert…

I can easily charge #100,000 for this course and it will still be worth every dime.


I’ve made much more than that using the strategies I show you in this course.

But I know about the high cost of living in the country presently…

And I know that only a little percentage of Nigerians can easily pay that amount…

So I won’t charge you up to that amount for the course…

You won’t even need to pay up to #50,000.


All you are paying to get the DESB right now is a ONE TIME payment of Just #20,000 only!


Too cheap?!

What Then Will You Say When You See The Extra Bonuses I Am Giving You With It Today!


Because I want to make sure you do not have any problem with your small business when you get this course…

And also make sure that you get more for every dime you pay…

I have decided to add six (6) Amazing Bonuses for you today.

Amazing Bonus 1:
How To Master The Art Of Sending DMs To Build Friendships And Business Partners

One of the easiest ways of growing your small business…

Is by strengthening your existing friendships…

And building connections with business partners.


This will help you leverage their existing network and reach out to more people that need your products.

But you don’t want to just go and ask directly.

You don’t want it to look like you’re selfish and you just want to benefit from them.

So in this bonus session, I show you a sneaky way of sending DMs to these people….

This DMs will look like it will benefit THEM more, but it’s actually to your advantage.

Yes, it’s sneaky because it’s built upon a list of dark psychological tricks.

On its own, it’s worth over #5,000 because of how huge the ROI is.

But you’ll be getting it for free when you get the Digital Entrepreneurship Sales Booster today.

Amazing Bonus 2:
How To Sell Your Brain (In A Healthy Way) And Make Money From It.


Calm down.

Nobody is selling any body parts here.

What I mean by selling your brain is selling what’s inside the brain.

That is, valuable information that people will be willing to pay for.

It’s called Information Marketing.

This is simply you making money from what you know how to do very well.

For example:

As a small business owner,

You may be into catering and all your customers love your cakes, doughnuts, pies, e.t.c

In fact, some are even asking you for your secret recipes to try it at home.

While others just want you to teach them your whole process because they see you as an expert…

And they want to start their own catering business too.

This is where information marketing comes in.

I show you exactly how to package your knowledge in a very attractive way they will make people that are interested to buy.

And because you just need to do this once and you can continue selling it for life…

This session is worth #10,000.

But you don’t need to worry about that.

Because it’s yours for FREE when you get the Digital Entrepreneurship Sales Booster today…



Amazing Bonus 3:
How To Start Selling This Course To And Get Commission

What if you don’t have capital to start your small business?

Well, I was in your shoes once and I know how frustrating it can be.

What did I do?

I learnt how to sell other people’s products and get commission from it.

And you can do this following just 3 simple steps:


1. Get people that are interested in the product.

In this case, they are your fellow small business owners.

So after getting this course and benefiting MASSIVELY from it,

You can easily recommend it to them.


2. Tell these people about what the product is about.

Show them how it has helped you grow your business.

This will make them interested because they want to do the same.


3. Show them how to get the course too.

And when you do this…

You get to earn 60% commission from it.

That’s an easy #12,000 in your bank account at zero cost from your end.

No wonder Aisha is eager to start promoting the course too:

This session is basically priceless because there are no limits to how much you can make doing this.

But you’re getting it for FREE when you get the DESB today…

Amazing Bonus 4:
How To Start News Pages And Monetise It.
Amazing Bonus 5:
A List Of Products that Nigerians Like Buying Like Crazy.

Many people say that Nigerians are the hardest people to sell to.

And if you can sell to Nigerians effectively, they you’ll be able to sell to any audience.

Well, I agree with that.

But in my experience, I believe that knowing what Nigerians love to buy takes away 80% of the stress.

So this session shows you how to avoid all the head aches…

And simply select 1 out of many products that Nigerians like buying then build you business around it.

Amazing Bonus 6:
How To Design Fliers And Logos.

Have you heard of the word “branding” before?

Building a brand around your small business on social media is now the next best thing since sliced bread.

A lot of small business owners know NOTHING about this.

Look, if you’re able to establish a brand around your small business….

You will effortlessly stand out and win BIG in the online space.

And by learning the skill of graphic designing (designing flyers, logos and more)…

It makes your brand look professional and more memorable.

It’s like wearing a superhero costume that helps you stand out in a crowded room.

Without it, your brand might just be invisible, especially in the online world today.

So, you need to learn this skill to make sure your brand turns heads and leaves a lasting impression.

The cost? #5,000.

But you’ll get it for free when you get the DESB today…

Amazing Bonus 7:
A Support Community.

Like I said,

I made this course straight forward and easy to understand.

But incase if you’re stuck while going through the course…

Or you have one or to questions to ask for more clarity…

Then this support community is there for you.

You’re free to interact with members in the community…

And possibly get new ideas from those ahead of you in the group.

This ensures that no one is left behind in the aspect of implementation.

Now, access into this active support group will normally cost you #35,000…

But you get into the group absolutely FREE as soon as you get the DESB today!

Now How Much Do You Think All Of This Will Cost You If You Have To Pay For Them One By One?!

How much?


Well it doesn’t matter…


Because you don’t have to pay for them individually…


Rather, you can get:

  • The Digital Entrepreneurship Sales Booster.

  • How To Master The Art Of Sending DMs To Build Friendship And Business Partners (worth #5,000)

  • How To Sell You Brain (in a healthy way) And Make Money From It (worth #10,000)

  • How To Start Selling This Course To Other People And Get Commission (worth: Priceless)


  • How To Start News Pages And Monetise It 

  • Products That Nigerians Like Buying Like Crazy (worth: Priceless)

  • How To Design Fliers And Logo (worth #5,000)

  • A Support community (worth #35,000)


All for just a One Time Payment Of #20,000 only!

It is important to note, that this is a prerecorded course and that means when you get access now…

You will get direct access immediately to the course and all the bonuses.

Listen, I know most people don’t take action when they buy courses…

Hence, I don’t want everyone getting my course…

So by the time I get to a specified number of purchases (which I won’t disclose here), you may likely not get this page again.

And by the time I open the page again, the price won’t stay at 20,000 Naira again.

That said…

This may be your ONLY opportunity to get the DESB at #20,000

Also, you almost have nothing to lose!


You Are Covered With My 90 Days Money Back Guarantee!

Here’s the deal.

I want you to get the course right now and implement it.

If after you implement everything in the course and you still feel like you haven’t gotten full value for your money (which is highly unlikely)

Then you can simply reach out to me with a proof of everything you have done and ask for a refund

And I will send you a full refund with an apology as well.

So you see, you have nothing to lose

So What Is It Going To Be?

Will you close this page now and forget everything you have read on this page…

Forget that you were shown a ONE TIME opportunity to learn how to run a successful small business…

Forget about changing your life with this simple opportunity…


Will you get the Digital Entrepreneurship Sales Booster NOW and learn how to run a successful small business…

You can finally..

  • Afford whatever you need without thinking about the inflation that’s on the rise.
  • Become your own boss and take good care of your loved ones.
  • Live the life you always dream of without thinking of the cost.
  • Drive the car you wanted without struggling to fuel it or maintain it

Immediately you click on that button….

You’ll be directed to the check out page where you will make your ONE TIME payment of #20,000

Once you’re done with that…

You will immediately receive a unique link to the course and everything you need.

That’s it.

See you in class.

Umar Kabeer Adam (A.K.A Malam Kaybee)


YES, there’s a Phone Version.
We’ve created a version of this course dedicated to Mobile Phone Users either Android or IOS. Both works for this course!

The training program is delivered in form of high-quality videos that you can watch online with your mobile phone and computer. You would have access to this Video Course FOREVER.
You’d be sent a Special Secret Page where you can get the videos

This Course Focuses on creating books using the Modelling/Evergreen, Summary and Trends methods In Monetizing Amazon KDP (as they’re the most lucrative methods in making money on Amazon Kindle). 

The Current discount of N20,000 is not the final price. It’s only available for those that grab it now. Once the sale is over, it is going back to the original price. You mustn’t miss this for anything

IMPORTANT: Earnings And Legal Disclaimers


Sells Rocket is an online platform that promotes highly valuable digital products and holds a registered trademark under A3 Internet Services.

Sells Rocket does not own this program, it only serves as the representative of the program’s creator.

The product being offered is created and sold by Umar Kabeer Adam, the vendor.

The product is protected by Sells Rocket’s 30-day money-back guarantee policy.

Please note that the product being advertised is a DIGITAL product and not a service or physical item. No physical shipment will take place.

Sells Rocket is not a consulting company, bank, Forex broker, or any financial establishment.

Information submitted with this order is handled in accordance with our privacy policy.

For support related to the product, please contact the product vendor and not Sells Rocket (contact details will be provided after purchase).

All information submitted is subject to our terms and conditions.

The product vendor will receive your information upon successful completion of the sale.

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